[Start and Setup]
The Cowfish Streamingserver is a small HTTP server to offer MPEG2
transport streams recorded by the DVB boxes
Siemens Gigaset M740 AV and Gigaset M750 S. Simply said:
use this server and the VideoLan Client to view movies recorded by this boxes
on your computer :-). Additionaly the server can encode movies to other
file formats in the background.
(0): You need a viewer to display MPEG2-transport streams referenced by
an HTTP-URL ( VideoLan Client recommended).
(1): Hyperlink to MPEG2 TS - Use this link to download the movie.
On MacOS drag this link to the VLC dock-icon to add the movie to the VLC playlist.
(2): Hyperlink additional EPG information.
(3): URL of the recorded MPEG2 TS. Mark this URL and copy it to the clipboard.
Open this link with MPlayer or VLC to playback the Movie (CTRL-U).
Use VLC "open network stream" and paste the copied URL to the input field.
(4): Delete a recorded video stream - no undo. Your WebBrowser must be executed on the
same computer as the server to delete files. Above: Date and duration of the recording.
(5): Refresh/Show the navigation elements.
(6): Navigation elements: "reset" rewinds the stream. Click
on the progressbar to jump to a special position. Click the arrow buttons
to jump up to 5 minutes forwards or backwards.
(7): Access to (this) manual, server status and log files.
Start and Setup
click [Start and Setup]
Restrictions / Known Bugs
- MPEG Artefacts are shown for some seconds after navigation.
- VLC/MPlayer: Responsetime for navigation is somewhat lazy (because of
buffers within the viewer client)
- Internet Explorer: The navigation bar image is not updated by the
browser after clicking on it. You have to set the navi.refresh property
(navi.refresh=5) to update the progressbar image every five seconds.
This feature is disabled by default, because it disturbs the audio
playback on some computers.
Please check also the Cowfish Streamingserver
bugtracker at http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=161065
Support - Feed the Cowfish
Das Forum zum Cowfish Server ist erreichbar unter
Please check the Cowfish Streamingserver
at http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=161065.
Feel free to leave a message, if you got problems running the application :-). Don't forget
to include additional information like parts of the logfile and OS, JAVA version infos etc.
Stay informed about new releases: use the sourceforge monitor function
to be informed when new (preview) versions of Cowfish Streamingserver are published.
Thanks to Derk-Jan Hartman from the videolan project
for having a close look on the recorded MPEG streams. Also special thanks to the german
open7x0.org forum for hosting the
cowfish forum. The m740 forum and
their users for bugreports and suggestions. Also a "thank you" to Karlo and the other
CridManager developer for helping the cowfish to decode the cridfiles!
And a big thank you to
sourceforge.net for hosting this project.
see [about]/[setup] and http://www.open7x0.org/arena/
for aditional information.
Your feedback is welcome at the cowfish forum http://www.open7x0.org/arena/
(especially about the new encoder interface and the series filter.)
Über deine Rückmeldung, speziell zur neuen Serien-Gruppierung und zur Encoder
Schnittstelle, freut sich das cowfish Forum unter: http://www.open7x0.org/arena/
0.8.3-RC6 (20071229)
* encode jobs: deleted records on the box were not removed
from the encoded queue.
* bugfix: NPE sort / compare date
* INFO.txt was missing in CVS JAR-bundle
0.8.3-RC5 (20070915)
* prj: After my notebook had been stolen it took some time to reconstruct the
cowfish project. I used the time to migrate from netbeans 3.6 to eclipse 3.3,
refurbished the sourcecode and added eclipse and CVS support to the
project files within the distribution. There should not be any major
functional differences to the RC4 version, but it should be now much easier
for other JAVA developer to use the cowfish project.
0.8.3-RC4 (20070727)
* crid: VideoLan Client Navigation scrollbar supported:
You do not need to use the cowfish HTML navi-bar anymore to cue the movie
forwards or backwards - simply use the VideoLan Clients scrollbar.
* cf: redesigned logging for cowfish framework (supports now hierachical
0.8.3-RC3 (20070517)
* fixed: encoder export: wrong timestring within title and -timestamp option.
* Display number of logged errors/warnings at index page - direct link to logfile
0.8.3-RC1 (20070305)
* added warn/error logging link
* fixed: force to delete recording, even if single referenced entries do not
* MacOS/MPlayer: do not log error when player stops.
* fix in class BasicStreamForwarder: buffers might got lost.
* FTP BUGFIX: Because of an bug/feature? in the FTP library there remained a thread
and proably opened connection for every file accessed via FTP. This resource
leak might have caused serious performance and server conections issues on
your system (if you configured the FTP access).
* fixed wrong back to index link on encoder page
* added java debug-option comment to unix and mac starter scripts
* NEW: added filter for series
* improved back to index link on vlcplugin page
* faster response after clicking "delete" or info links.
(device-Index is not updated for every request.)
* added mplayer documentation for playback.
(The 0.8.6a version of the videolan client seemed to be more instable for
cowfish playback so I switched to the mplayer application.)
* faster response after clicking "delete" link and improved navigation.
* no new index is sent to the browser after clicking play local or export links
* sortorder memorized
* new localhost detection
* update Encoder Joblist everytime the Encoder Joblist page is displayed
(keep in sync with recording index)
* added refresh link to Encoder Joblist page
(joblists are updated usually every five minutes)
* Bugfix: more stable periodically update of the encoder jobs
* Documentation: added encoder options for Palm Organizer
* improved localhost detection
0.8.2 Encoder (2007-01-20)
* doc: added shemata.gif and loglevel documentation.
* encoder: modified layout encoder page. Added autorefresh.
RC4 2007-01-06
* added property "admin.remote.enabled" to allow remote administration.
* doc: updated encoder documentation
* Init: Bugfix for RC2 (server failed to start if directory
"C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Dokumente\Eigene Videos"
does not exist.)
RC2 2006-12-30
* Init: Bugfix for RC1 (resources /bin/linux/encoder.sh and
/bin/windows/encoder.bat do not exist. So the server failed to start.
RC1 2006-12-30
* CRID: first version with encoder interface.
(preconfigured for ffmpeg and iPod Video.
* Config: properties are sorted by name.
* HTTPServ: added MIME Types for mp4 and mov.
* Config: reordered directory structure of local resources.
0.8.1 VLC Plugin release (2006-12-06)
- (RC6) CRID: Bugfix sequence of recordings :
Added previous and following recording fragments for a sequence of
recordings on the same channel.
- (RC6) CRID:
Removed offset correction when movie is started because it could
skip the beginning of the movie during conversion .
- (RC5) HTTP-Server/Navi Bar: Bugfix for autorefresh and clickt on skip buttons.
- (RC5) Autorefresh navi-bar (navi.refresh=5) enabled by default on multiprocessor
- CRID Bugfix
(RC4): Recording Status was not updated
- Don't start webbrowser on Linux by DEFAULT as long the
property "browserCMD" is not defined.
- Linux Starter (RC4): added environment variable
to SuSE systemservice script because of Java 1.4.2 API bug
. Translated SuSE install instructions.
- CfFile Bugfix (RC3): because a bug in the FTP library
cowfish failed to playback movies recorded
with the latest beta-firmware (.rec), stored at
a local attached USB HDD.
- CRID Bugfix:Recording Status was not updated
- CRID Enhancement: Added support for VLC Plugin
(Mozilla Browsers and Internet Explorer
- Thanks to Hanspeter and Dr.Who)
- Server: Added script to install cowfish as
a service on Linux OS. (Thanks to HansPeter)
0.8 (RC2) firmware 2.3x release 2006-10-15
- CRID Enhancement: Support new Firmware (2.3x) filesystem structure
- Server: Software and System infos are logged at startup.
0.8 RC1 bugfix prerelease 2006-04-18
- Server Bugfix: if the browser could not be started the server aborted.
- CRID Bugfix: NPE during updating the filelist if the fmpg file of an
crid file could not be calculated.
- CRID Bugfix: HTML Syntaxerror in listing.
- CRID Enhancement: first version to start ProjectX (export hyperlink).
0.7.9 bugfix and timeshift release 2006-04-14
- CRID: Active recordings could be streamed (usually via FTP)
- CRID: first version to stream timeshift data. (BETA)
(handling is not that smooth, yet - vlc might
abort during playback, navigation is slow,
changing the channel during playback is not supported.
If you use a NAS device via FTP you should always watch a 1 minute
delayed videostream for a quite stable operation. If you use
the USB-HDD via FTP use at least a 10 minute delay.)
- CRID: added boolean readwrite_access property (enabled by default for
FTP access) to enable or disable timeshift access.
- CRID: Bufferes were not cleared fully before navigation.
- CRID/index: The date timestamp encoded in the filename was not correct.
- CRID: The PAT/PMT stream header packages are calculated and always sent
at the beginning of an opened stream.
- CRID: After the stream header the first IFrame is sent.
- CRID: Fixed OutOfMemory Exception, if *.crid or *.fmpg files have not the
exspected format.
- CRID: playback starts with *.mpg file that matches record start timestamp.
- CRID: optimized seek to start with IFrame.
- CRID: Doku Bug - password for FTP media:media instead of usb1:usb1.
- javadoc for package cowfish.streamserver.source
- FTP FileAccess: fixed exception handling issue to interrupt thread execution.
0.7.8 bugfix release 2006-03-23
- Crid: Server skips *.mpg files during streaming that can not be read.
- Crid: Server uses SCR-Start and SCR-End timestamp information from the
*.crid file to determine the correct *.fmpg fileset (thanks to Karlo).
0.7.7 release 2006-03-21
- first version with FTP support.
- reduced CPU usage.
- increased default values for properties "buffers" (512) and "packagesize" (8192).
0.7.6 release 2006-03-18
- Bugfix: enhanced streaming buffer handling.
- Optimized generation of the navi image: generated image is cached.
- Cowfish HTTPServer optimized: uses now Dough Leas PooledExecutor
class for thread recycling.
0.7.5 enhancement release 2006-03-13
- Bugfix: place localplayer.bin value into quotes if it conatains
space characters.
- Feature Request
#1448662 Autorefresh Navigation Elements (Option)
Added option navi.refresh. Set this property in
prefs.properties to enable
autofresh of the navigation frame every n seconds.
navi.refresh=5 #refresh navi every five seconds
0.7.4 enhancement and bugfix release 2006-03-12
- Added localplayer option to start VLC by hyperlink (see setup manual).
- Bugfix:
#1442709 VLC: navigation bar is not in sync
(VLC should not display the navigation bar anymore)
- additional debugging output
- restructured ANT build files
- restructured fileaccess
0.7.3 RC2 bugfix release 2006-03-05
- Bugfix Preferences: URLDecoder used wrong order for queryParams-
files could be truncated when saved.
0.7.3 bugfix release 2006-03-05
- Bugfix:
#1443561 MacOS/Linux: WebEditor stores files with wrong LineFeed
- Bugfix Preferences: file was saved as selected file in "show", not as
the file it was loaded.
- Bugfix: removed Debug Output to STDOUT
- Enhancements: added Reminder for Debug Window and Browser Start option.
- Enhancements: modified Debug Window title.
0.7.2 bugfix and docs release 2006-03-05
0.7.1 bugfix and docs release 2006-03-04
- Bugfix: After deleting an episode of a recorded series another episode
of the series could not be viewed unless you restarted the server.
- Docs: updated homepage.
0.7 - initial release 2006-03-01
- better configuration
- supporting more than one sourcestream device
generated 2008-03-24/18:13 - hosted at